Proposal to Whitelist LPL on Bancor

I just read it. It looks good. It gave me some more understanding of the history of the linkpool.


Thank you, everyone.

The LPL is posted on Bancor Governance Forum.


Great work to all the community members that worked hard to get things to this point!

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The responses on the Bancor forum appear positive. The people in this community are very constructive.
The proposal itself was well written.

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Seems like we didn’t reach quorum with 31% if I’m not wrong. So is there a chance to get a second run at a later point in time?

Are there other options besides Bancor?

If I recall correctly there are some initiatives for visual display on several tracking apps, but these are not really related to new market possibilities. From the top of my head there are some Zerion tracking requests:

So, is there anything else we can do to a dance Linkpool’s exposure? Other lending pools for instance that allow for voting/input?